My Work

This is a collection of various pieces of coursework through college. It is separated into three sections, R projects, Media Design projects, and Writing Samples. The R section is text, data, and sentiment analyses that I made in my Media Analytics classes. The Media Design section is work that focuses on graphic design and video / audio production. The writing samples are papers that I wrote in various International / Global studies courses that demonstrate my best work. To see more about my experiences, look at the "resume" tab at the top of this page. Click on the buttons below to jump straight to the section of work you want to see. The work is linked to the pictures, to exit the popups that connect to the work, press the back button on your browser.

R Studio Projects

A screenshot of an Rstudio assignment about baby names. This is a lightbox that leads into a link.

This was the first Rstudio assignment that I created for my MEA360 (Applied Media Analytics) class. I used Rstudio and data from the tinyverse to analyze the popularity of baby names in the USA that were named after Seinfeld characters. I also coded the website that displays the data found using HTML / CSS. I found that there was no correlation between Seinfeld names and babynames accross the US, and I found this by creating five line graphs of the names over time.

This piece was also created in my MEA360 class, and it analyzes tex oft sentiment speeches made in the UN General Assembly in 2001. I analyzed the sentiment based on the events of the terrorist attacks of September first, using the tidyverse, wordcloud, and tidytext packages. I also coded the webpage with HTML / CSS. I found that the sentiment was greatly impacted in a negative way by these events. Back to top.

A screenshot of an Rstudio sentiment analysis of UNGA speches. This is a lightbox that leads into a link.

Writing Samples

A screenshot of a spooky website. This is a lightbox that leads into a link.

This is a paper about an advertisement posted about a slave posted in Brazil in 1845. It draws from the works of Stanley Elkins about the Brazilian Slave System. I prove in this paper that the claims made by Stanley Elkins; that slaves did not have any specialized skills, along with several other claims pertaining to kinship and integration post-abolition; are false. This paper was written for a class about comparative slavery (HST349) that I took in the second semester of freshman year. It discussed slave systems across Latin America and the problems faced with comparing different types of slave systems, as well as an indepth look at how slavery affected globalization. Back to top.

This piece is an analysis of the Margaret Atwood's Novel The Handmaid's Tale, written in my second semester Freshman year in my Global Experiences Class. I analyze the novel through a Foucauldian lens, and pose the question of how much the women in the novel utilize collective resistance and solidarity. I also draw similarities to the dystopian novel and today's real world situation of international surrogacy (as framed by Amrita Pande and Natalie Fixmer-Oraiz). I conclude that the Handmaid's Tale universe is systematically set up to make solidarity almost impossible with women, but that rhetorics are an important step in establishing a sense of unity. Back to top.

A screenshot of a faux news briefing. This is a lightbox that leads into a link.
A screenshot of a youtube cover, it is a juul in a box of cigarettes with a yellow background. This is a lightbox that leads into a link.

In this essay, written in my REL278 (Sex, Gender, and Islam) class, I analyze women's rights as they are discussed in the Quran and the present-day media. This is important because there are many stereotypes in the media about what veiling is or means to Muslim women. I frame this discussion with works of various well-known scholars of Islam, such as Leila Ahmed and Amina Wadud. I conclude that Islam is not a religion of oppression, and that the practice of ijtihad, or reinterpretation of the Quran, is the most vital task for modern gender-studies scholars. Back to top.

Communications Work

A screenshot of a youtube cover, it is a juul in a box of cigarettes with a yellow background. This is a lightbox that leads into a link.

This is a video detailing the dangers of juuling. The audio was recorded on a Zoom H5 recorder, in conjunction with material being taught in Multimedia Content. I edited the video in Adobe Premiere. I created this video because Juuling is hurting many youths and young adults across the country. Many middle and high schoolers are adopting the habit, and even though the age of buying Juul products is being raised to 21 in many states, convenience stores often accept fake IDs or do not card at all, making the age restrictions basically null and void. Back to top

I created this video using a Canon 4k Video Camera. The script of this video is based around college stress. Many students in college have a hard time slowing down, and mental health is not always a priority. The message of this video is to appreciate little things in day to day life, and to prioritize mental health. I edited the video and audio in Adobe Premiere. Back to top

A screenshot of a faux news briefing. This is a lightbox that leads into a link.
A picture of a miniature australian shephard. This is a lightbox that leads into a link.

This dog, Brady, is linked to the wordpress article posted as an assignment for my Multimedia Content course. The assignment was to create a photoset of anything, so I chose to photograph the campus as if Brady was looking around on a walk. The pictures were taken on a Canon T6i and edited in Adobe Photoshop. Feel free to browse the other posts from the blog, as they are a collection of the work created throughout the course. Back to top

This final piece is my favorite collage that I made in Multimedia Content. It was created in Adobe Photoshop, found from pictures that were found from various places on the internet. I do not own the rights to any of the images. This project was to show that I know how to use image masks as well as various other photoshop tools such as free transform. Back to top