Abby Goretsky

Communication Student

My Writing Samples

Below are writing samples from Elon News Network, Her Campus and class.

Cartoon moms holding signs with common mom-shaming quotes


This feature story looks into the problem of mom-shaming today. It focuses on what mom-shaming is, why it happens and personal stories from mothers. This is one of my favorite stories that I have written.

Click here to download and read the story.

Fake Zoom University logo

Staff, students integrate selves into online learning

This enterprise story looks into how online learning has really affected students – from inequities to engagement. It looks at opinions from teachers, students and experts.

Click here to read the story.

EKG with 17 hearts and Grey's Anatomy written in the middle

Grey's Anatomy Thrives After 17 Seasons

This opinion piece expresses why the hit show Grey's Anatomy is still doing so well today. It talks about past seasons, current seasons and even cites a medical journal.

Click here to read the story.

Illustrations of products from the Student-Made Store

Student artists continue to showcase work online and on campus

This story features the Student-Made Store, which is a store that sells things that students from different schools make. It started at Elon and is now located at four different schools.

Click here to read the story.

Illustration of two hands making the KD symbol

Rushing in a Pandemic

This story was my personal account of what it was like to participate in the virtual sorority recruitment process.

Click here to read the story.