ofischer@elon.edu • 336 417 3829 • ePortfolio
Elon University | Elon, NC (Dec 2019)
Honors: International Scholarship recipient, Lambda Pi Eta member
Bachelor of Arts: Journalism GPA: 3.7
Study Abroad: CATS College Canterbury | Canterbury, Kent, England(Sept 2014-May 2016)
- Times-News, Reporting Intern | Burlington, NC
Wrote business, news and feature stories for print, web and the Alamance Living magazine
Worked as a photographer and completed editing tasks according to AP style
- Elon News Network, Reporter | Elon, NC
Wrote news and community stories for The Pendulum
Worked as photographer covering portraits, sports and events
- University Office of Communications, Assisting Editor | Elon, NC
Conducted interviews and wrote feature and news stories
Captured photos for articles, archiving and use on social media and completed various editing tasks according to AP style
- ICPC News, Video/Multimedia | Beijing, China
Shot b-roll, pictures and interview footage of contestants and local sights; conducted interviews and operated live feed cameras
- The Day News & Media Ltd., Intern | London, UK
Wrote an analysis comparing The Day to similar news offerings and outlined suggestions to improve services
Participated in daily discussions and wrote an advertising blog entry
- IP-Web GmbH, Intern | Schwandorf, Bavaria
Translated parts of their website and designed English forms
Communicated with customers to give purchasing advice; repair hardware and software problems on laptops
- Montford Youth Centre, Teacher | Melaka, Malaysia
Designed and taught laptop repair course to IT students
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Premiere Pro
Basic HTML & CSS
Multimedia Reporting & Interviewing
Microsoft Word
- Elon Motorsports, Member